import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'SimHei' mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
def num_grad(x, h):
df = np.zeros(x.size) for i in range(x.size): x1, x2 = x.copy(), x.copy() x1[i] = x[i] - h x2[i] = x[i] + h y1, y2 = f(x1), f(x2) df[i] = (y2 - y1) / (2 * h) return df
def num_hess(x, h): hess = np.zeros((x.size, x.size)) for i in range(x.size): x1 = x.copy() x1[i] = x[i] - h df1 = num_grad(x1, h) x2 = x.copy() x2[i] = x[i] + h df2 = num_grad(x2, h) d2f = (df2 - df1) / (2 * h) hess[i] = d2f return hess
def linesearch(x, pk:float,f): ''' 黄金分割法 ''' eps = 0.001 r = 500 l = -500
while r - l > eps: t1 = l + 0.382 * (r - l) t2 = l + 0.618 * (r - l)
x_1 = x+ t1 * pk x_2 = x + t2 * pk f1 = f(x_1) f2 = f(x_2) if f1 < f2: r = t2
else: l = t1 if t2 - t1 < eps: return t2
def steepest(x,f,epsilon=0.01,h=10**-5,maxiter=10**4): ''' 最速下降法 :param x: 初始值 :param f: 函数 :param epsilon: eps :param h: 求导的delta x :param maxiter: 最大迭代次数 :return: 答案的list用于画图 ''' x_list=[] ans_list=[] x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) for iter1 in range(maxiter): grad = num_grad(x, h)
pk = -grad ak = linesearch(x, pk,f) x = x + ak * pk print('grad:', grad, 'x_{i+1}:', x, 't:', ak,'ans:',f(x)) x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) if np.linalg.norm(grad) < epsilon: return x_list,ans_list return x_list,ans_list
def newTonFuction(x,f,epsilon=0.01,h1=10**-5,h2=10**-5,maxiter=10**4):
x_list=[] ans_list=[] x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) for iter1 in range(maxiter): grad = num_grad(x, h1)
hess = num_hess(x, h2) pk =, grad) x = x + pk x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) print('grad:', grad, 'x_{i+1}:', x, 'ans:', f(x)) if np.linalg.norm(grad) < epsilon: return x_list,ans_list return x_list,ans_list
def BFGS(x,f,epsilon=0.01,h=10**-5,maxiter=10**4): ''' 拟牛顿法 :param x: 初始点 :param f: 求解函数 :param epsilon: eps :param h: 求导的delta x :param maxiter: 最大迭代数 :return: 答案的list便于画图 ''' Bk = np.eye(x.size) x_list=[] ans_list=[] x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) for i in range(maxiter): grad = num_grad(x, h)
pk =, grad) ak = linesearch(x, pk,f) x = x + pk * ak yk = num_grad(x, h) - grad sk = ak * pk if, grad.shape[0]), sk) > 0: Bk = Bk -, sk).reshape(sk.shape[0], 1), sk.reshape(1, sk.shape[0])), Bk)\ /, sk.shape[0]), Bk), sk) + \[0], 1),yk.reshape(1, yk.shape[0])) / \, yk.shape[0]), sk) print('grad{%d}:' % (i + 1), np.round(num_grad(x, h), 3), 'p{%d}:' % (i + 1), np.round(pk, 3), 'x_{%d}:' % (i + 1), np.round(x, 3), f(x)) x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) if np.linalg.norm(grad) < epsilon: return x_list,ans_list return x_list,ans_list
def modify_newton(x,f,epsilon=0.01,h1=10**-5,h2=10**-5,maxiter=10**4): ans_list=[] x_list=[] x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) for i in range(maxiter): grad=num_grad(x,h1) hess = num_hess(x, h2) pk =, grad) t=linesearch(x,pk,f) x = x + pk*t print('grad:',np.round(grad,3),'pk:',np.round(pk,3),'t:',np.round(t,3),'x_{%d}:'%i,np.round(x,3),f(x)) x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) if np.linalg.norm(grad)<epsilon: return x_list,ans_list
return x_list,ans_list
def conjugate_gradient(x,f,epsilon=0.01,h1=10**-5,h2=10**-5,maxiter=10**4): ans_list = [] x_list = [] x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) pk=-num_grad(x,h1) if np.linalg.norm(pk)<epsilon: return x for i in range(maxiter):
grad=num_grad(x,h1) t=np.round(linesearch(x,pk,f),2) used_x=x.copy() x = x + pk*t
pk=-num_grad(x,h1)+(np.linalg.norm(num_grad(x,h1))**2/np.linalg.norm(num_grad(used_x,h1))**2)*pk print('grad{%d}:'%(i+1),np.round(num_grad(x,h1),3),'p{%d}:'%(i+1),np.round(pk,3),'t_{%d}:'%(i+1),np.round(t,3),'x_{%d}:'%(i+1),np.round(x,3),f(x)) x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) if np.linalg.norm(grad)<epsilon: return x_list,ans_list
return x_list,ans_list
def simplex_method(x:list,f,maxiter:int=100,alpha:float=1.,beta:float=1.,epsilon:float=0.01):
temp_x_list=x x_list=[] ans_list=[]
for i in range(maxiter): l=[] for j in temp_x_list: l.append(f(j)) l=np.array(l) x_min = temp_x_list[l.argsort()[0]] x_mid = temp_x_list[l.argsort()[1]] x_max = temp_x_list[l.argsort()[2]] loss=sum([(f(j)-f(x_min))**2 for j in x])
tempx=(np.sum(x,axis=0)-x_max)/ (len(x)-1) reflect_x=2*tempx-x_max print('reflect_x:',reflect_x) if f(x_min)>f(reflect_x): inflation_x=tempx+alpha*(reflect_x-tempx) if f(inflation_x)<f(reflect_x): temp_x_list[l.argsort()[2]]=inflation_x else: temp_x_list[l.argsort()[2]]=reflect_x print('f(x_min):%.3f>f(reflect):%.3f'%(f(x_min),f(reflect_x))) print('inflation_x:',inflation_x)
if f(x_min)<=f(reflect_x) and f(reflect_x)<f(x_mid): temp_x_list[l.argsort()[2]]=reflect_x print('f(x_min):%.3f<=f(reflect):%.3f<=f(x_mid):%.3f' % (f(x_min), f(reflect_x),f(x_mid)))
if f(x_mid)<=f(reflect_x) and f(reflect_x)<f(x_max): shrink_x=tempx+beta*(reflect_x-tempx) temp_x_list[l.argsort()[2]]=shrink_x print('f(x_mid):%.3f<=f (reflect):%.3f <f(x_max):%.3f' % (f(x_mid),f(reflect_x), f(x_max))) print('shrink_x:',shrink_x) if f(reflect_x)>=f(x_max): shrink_x=tempx+beta*(x_max-tempx) if f(shrink_x)>f(x_max): for j in x: j=(x_min+j)/2 temp_x_list=x else: temp_x_list[l.argsort()[2]]=shrink_x print('f(reflect):%.3f>f(x_max):%.3f' % (f(reflect_x),f(reflect_x))) print('shrink_x:',shrink_x) print('temp_x_list:',temp_x_list) print('loss:%.3f' % loss) if loss < epsilon:
break x_list.append(x_min) ans_list.append(f(x_min)) print() return x_list,ans_list
def cyclic_coordinate_method(x:list,f,epsilon:float=0.01,h1:float=1e-5,maxiter:int=100): ans_list = [] x_list = [] x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x))
I=np.eye(2) for i in range(maxiter): used_x=x.copy() for pk in I: t = np.round(linesearch(x, pk,f),2) x = x + pk * t print('p{%d}:' % (i + 1), np.round(pk, 3), 't_{%d}:' % (i + 1), np.round(t, 2), 'x_{%d}:' % (i + 1), np.round(x, 3), f(x),'eps:',np.linalg.norm(used_x-x)) x_list.append(x) ans_list.append(f(x)) if np.linalg.norm(used_x-x)< epsilon: return x_list,ans_list return x_list,ans_list
def draw(x:list=None,y:list=None,ans:list=None):
fig=plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
x1 = np.linspace(min(x),max(x), 100) x2 = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 100)
tempx, tempy = np.meshgrid(x1, x2) surf = ax.plot_surface(tempx, tempy, f([tempx,tempy]), cmap=cm.jet, zorder=10)
scat=ax.scatter(x,y,ans,zorder=1000,marker='x') line=ax.plot(x,y,ans,zorder=100,linestyle='--') contour=ax.contour(tempx,tempy,f([tempx,tempy]),50,zorder=100000) plt.legend() return
def f(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] y=x1**2+x2**2+(x2-1)**2
return y
if __name__ == '__main__': x0 = np.array([1., 1.]) x_list,ans_list=BFGS(x0,f,maxiter=100) draw([i[0] for i in x_list],[i[1] for i in x_list],ans_list)